Please complete this form. During submission you will be taken to PayPal to submit the registry fee plus processing.

NO ONE WORD NAMES: Please note that the name you give your animal should include breeder prefix, farm name or the tattoo number to avoid multiple animals with the same name.
Example: TRA Travis or Travis TRC1
*Please note that all animals born after 01/01/2020 are required to be tattooed.
A tattoo will have an assigned prefix + letter for year born+ # that animal was born on your farm. Example ABCF2. If you do not know these, stop, and contact Jann Ramey at
Please note that crossbred applications you must put in highland for either dam or sire and what breed the other one is as well please.
Please do not enter offspring if you are entering parents. Instead watch for them to show in the Online Herd Book first or for you to receive the registration in the mail. Then enter offspring. This will help avoid confusion.

Extended Pedigree information if not HHCA registered

Owner of animal to be registered information:

I hereby certify and declare the above to be a true and correct statement and I desire to have the same information recorded with the Heartland Highland Cattle Association.

Photo Requirements
B Registrations - 4 (right side, left side, front and rear photos
H registration - 1 photo
A registration - 1 photo
Steer - 1 photo
Crossbred - 1 photo
This registration is not valid unless filed with the
17500 Hamilton Arms Court
Dewitt, VA 23840
Use the replacement form for replacement certificates or error corrections.
Please note that by completing this form you are giving permission for your name to be publicly displayed as the owner and/or breeder of any animal entered with HHCA in the online herd book.