Our next schedule of preparation training sessions are scheduled below for all squad members. Our preparation sessions are recommended for all students training towards black belt. It is compulsory for 4th kyu (purple stripe belts) and brown belts + to attend additional sessions in both Kata and Kumite in preparation for their grading.

Kata and Kumite sessions taking place in December 2024, January and February 2025.

Three hour sessions with a light lunch break in between.

All Venue Information

St Francis Church Hall, Hawkwood Crescent, E4 7UH

Rayleigh primary school, Love Lane, SS6 7DD

The Limes Centre, Limes Avenue, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 5LP

Dates are as follows:

Kata 3pm start
Saturday 7th December (Chingford)
Saturday 11th January (Rayleigh)
Saturday 8th February (Chingford)

Kumite Start Time Varies
Sunday 15th December (Chingford) 3:00pm start
Sunday 5th January (Rayleigh) 12:00pm start
Sunday 16th Febraury (Chingford) 3:00pm start

An additional session may be scheduled if the NGB add another championships onto the calendar.