Online High School Equivalency (GED) Class Interest Form

Step 1 of 2: Submit

This class focuses on the English GED® exam in the subjects of Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies. In-person registration is required. Placement test scores and survey answers will be used to determine eligibility for the online course. **Two face-to-face on-campus meetings are required at the beginning and end of the semester. Registration begins promptly at times listed. Students ages 16-17 must provide proof of formal withdrawal from high school.

I would rate my time management skills as:
I would rate my ability to work independently as:
I can devote _____ per week to my online GED class.
I have the following available at home (check all that apply):
Which of the following tasks can you perform? Check all that apply.
I acknowledge that I must attend an in-person registration session in order to register for an online class: either January 13 at 5:30 p.m. or January 16 at 9:30 a.m. Registration is in the ATOC. 
I acknowledge that I must attend a mandatory orientation session during the week of January 20th (exact date and time TBD) to be eligible for the online class. 
I will commit to mandatory in-person post-testing between weeks 6-12 of the online class in the ATOC building.