Cat Appointment Application

Step 1 of 2: Submit

Please complete the cat registration form, and select the date you would like to register for. A staff member will reach out to you to schedule your appointment after receiving your application. If we do not receive verbal confirmation you will not be put on the schedule. If your Cat is up to date on vaccinations please add the veterinarians contact information, as will need proof of any up to date rabies vaccines.

Owner Information

Have you brought other animals to RMAA?

Available Clinic Dates

If you do not see your desired location listed, it may be that we do not have that location available at this time. Clinic dates are listed as they are set up and removed once they are full. Please be aware we can only accept a set amount of males and females per clinic and those limitations will be noted above if applicable. Clinic is located in Conway, NH.
CONWAY CLINICS : If you wish to drop off your cat our Conway Clinic, please select a date:
Desired pick-up Location / Date

Pet Information

Sex of Cat 

Previous Vaccinations

Hair Length 
Has your cat been to a Veterinarian? 
Has your cat had a Rabies Vaccination? 
If your cat already has an up to date rabies vaccination, please bring the rabies certificate with you for check in. We must be able to verify your cat is up to date by state law or your cat must recieve a rabies shot on the day of surgery.
Has your cat had a Distemper Vaccination? 
Does your cat go outside? 
Does your pet have contact with other pets that do go outside? 

Other Information

Could your cat possibly be pregnant now? 
Females: Has your cat had kittens?
For male cats: has your cat's testicles dropped?

Additional Services

Revolution (Flea Treatment, Earmites, Heartworm) 
Choose this if you wish to use our van transportation service to our Conway clinic 

Health History

Has your cat had previous surgery or medical conditions? if Yes please describe in the comments section. 

Pre-Surgical Instructions

Feeding Instructions:
Please do not feed your cat after midnight the night before surgery.
Your cat can have small amounts of water.
Kittens under 6 months can have a half teaspoon of food the morning of surgery.
We accept cash or credit/debit cards over the phone. Personal checks are not accepted
Additional Surgery Fees: May be incurred for specialized situations such as Pregnancy , Cryptorchid , Abdominal Cryptorchid determined at time of surgery by the Veterinarian

A Note From The Team

Prepayment Policy

Rozzie May Animal Alliance does require prepayment one week prior to the clinic date. Payment can be made by credit/debit card over the phone or cash in person at the clinic.

If you need to cancel or reschedule we ask for 3 full business days notice so we may fill the spot. If you are prepaid and cancel under this required time we keep $10 for a handling fee unless you reschedule.

If you are a non paid, no show we require full payment to reschedule.

Reminder Email

You will recieve a reminder email with all the pre-operation instructions 2 days prior to your appointment. Please read this email upon receipt and complete the steps in it. Once you fill out this application please call our office at 603-447-1373 to make your appointment and prepayment.

Consent for Treatment

I, the undersigned person, declare that I am over the age of eighteen (18), and that I am legally responsible for the welfare of the below-identified pet, and I give my permission to Rozzie May Animal Alliance (RMAA) to hospitalize this pet.
During hospitalization, I understand that the staff of RMAA may administer vaccines, medications and anesthetic agents as well as perform surgical procedures and other treatments that they deem necessary for the health, safety and well-being of my pet while under their care and supervision. I also understand that the veterinarian will perform a brief physical examination prior to surgery to better determine if this pet is a healthy candidate for surgery. I further understand that if a heart murmur is heard, it will be up to the veterinarian’s medical judgment as to whether to proceed with anesthesia and surgery.
If the veterinarian is unable to perform a pre-anesthetic exam due to the behavior of my pet, making it not possible to adequately assess the anesthetic risk, I consent to him/her proceeding with anesthesia and surgery, understanding that there might be an increased risk of complications
I understand that there are inherent risks associated with anesthetic, medical and surgical procedures, including death. I authorize the doctors and staff of RMAA to address these complications should they arise while under their care. In the event of an emergency, the clinic will make every reasonable attempt to contact me to make me aware of the situation so that I can be involved in medical decisions. The contact phone numbers in the chart are correct.
I agree that I will hold harmless RMAA, its directors and officers, veterinarians, animal care technicians, drivers, volunteers and agents regarding any unforeseen complications associated with the surgery or post-surgical period as well as any transport services.
If we determine that a pet is pregnant, the surgery will be performed, resulting in termination of the pregnancy and humane death of the fetuses. If, however, the veterinarian chooses not to perform the surgery for the safety of the pet, he/she reserves the right not to proceed. There will be an increased fee associated with the spaying of a pregnant pet, the amount of which will be determined by the doctor based upon the increased amount of time involved.
If a medical condition is discovered which requires additional treatment or surgery or that complicates surgery, the veterinarian may perform the additional treatments or surgery if it is considered to be justified in the professional medical judgment of the veterinarian. The most common examples would include umbilical hernias, undescended testicles, obesity, enlarged reproductive organs due to disease (hydrometra, pyometra, other) and congenital anomalies (uterine and ovarian malformations). There will be an increased fee associated with the increased time involved in performing the additional treatments or surgeries, the amount of which will be determined by the doctor.
I further realize that I am responsible for payment for all of the above-mentioned procedures, treatments and surgeries in full at the time my pet is discharged, including any additional services that are deemed necessary.

I understand that RMAA is not responsible for providing any further post-surgical medical treatment or treatment for any medical emergencies. If these services are deemed necessary, it is my responsibility to transport my pet and to pay for any emergency care, treatment and monitoring.