Dog Appointment Scheduler

Step 1 of 2: Submit


We are starting dog clinics again. Apply and staff will call you regarding clinic dates

Owner Information

Available Clinic Dates

Clinic Date of Surgery 

Pet Information

Current Vaccinations

Health Info:

This section is particularly important because the more information you can provide the safer we can make the procedure.
Could your dog possibly be pregnant now? 
Has your dog had any previous surgery? 
Is your dog used to being in a crate? 
Is your dog socialized? 
Is your pet DOG Friendly? 


Spay/Neuter surgery 
Rabies Vaccine 
PETLINK Microchip 
30 Day Topical Flea Treatment 
E Collar 


Pricing is based on weight at time of check-in.
- Up to 20lbs. - $250
- 21 to 40lbs. - $300
- 41 to 60lbs. - $350
- 61 to 70lbs .-$400
- over 70lbs - $450

- Up to 20lbs. - $275
- 21 to 40lbs. - $350
- 41 to 60lbs. - $400
Prices subject to change without prior notice.

*Please note that for the safety of you female dog we have the following restrictions. Females cannot be spayed while in heat and they must have been done with their cycle for at least 12 weeks before the procedure. This time is necessary for the swelling from their heat cycle to go down. Also if your female falls outside of the weight/age guidelines, of no more than 60 pounds and no older than 3 years, we are unable to do the procedure here. There are limited mature female spay spots available.

Deposit required

All appointments made for either spay or neuter services will require $100 deposit..

If you need to cancel or reschedule we ask for 4 full business days notice so we may fill the spot. If you are prepaid and cancel under this required time, without rescheduling, we will keep the $100 deposit

Consent for Treatment

I, the undersigned, being of legal age and responsible for the animal, have read and understand this entire page and have the authority to grant Rozzie May Animal Alliance (RMAA) and it's staff members, volunteers, and/or agents my consent to receive, transport, prescribe for, treat, and preform sterilization surgery (procedure), vaccinations, flea treatment on the animal named above and provide other related medical care.
I understand that there are medical risks associated with the procedure, including, but not limited to infection, hemorrhage, allergic reaction, anesthetic drug reaction, anesthesia-induced cardiac compromise, and possible death. I understand that the doctor will perform a physical exam, but not perform a comprehensive cardiac exam, other diagnostic tests, or blood work prior to procedure. Furthermore, I authorize RMAA in an emergency situation, to follow through with such procedures as necessary for the wellbeing of my pet on a continuing basis until further communication with me. I will hold harmless Rozzie May Animal Alliance, its officers, directors, veterinarians, technicians, volunteers, and agents for any problems experienced by the animal as a result of the procedure or the unknown risk factors. I assume all risks.
The presence of a heart murmur can put my pet at an increased risk for anesthesia and
surgical complications. RMAA will perform surgery on animals with a slight heart
murmur at the attending doctor’s discretion. Surgery will not be performed on any
pet with a high grade heart murmur.
If in the course of treatment, a condition is discovered which requires medical attention or an additional procedure, such as hernia repair, the administration of IV fluids, the attending veterinarian may, in his/her absolute discretion, perform such procedure. I consent to these procedures and agree to pay reasonable additional charges if any.
I further understand that as long as, in the opinion of the attending veterinarian, the animal is an acceptable surgical candidate, sterilization procedures will be performed. I understand that the attending doctor can refuse to perform any procedure on any animal for any reason.
If my pet is pregnant, RMAA may still spay her at the veterinarian's discretion, terminate the pregnancy, and dispose of any content of fetal sacs.*
I agree that RMAA is not responsible for any further treatment, after care, or emergencies beyond today’s described procedures. I agree that I will be financially responsible for any post-operative medical treatment relating to this procedure or any unrelated medical problems of my animal.