Mail In Permanent Adult Registration Application

Step 1 of 2: Submit

THIS IS NOT A REGISTRATION This form is to be completed when your Miniature Zebu reaches 3 years of age. The Report of Birth for this Miniature Zebu must be recorded with the IMZA before this application is submitted. Please read the instructions regarding ID and Registration Rules on our website before completing this form.

Select Fee Type
Please Select Your Certificate Option
IDENTIFICATION : Please select all forms of ID that apply for this Miniature Zebu and enter all information accurately.
You must include a current photo of the Miniature Zebu you are permanently registering.
Mail the photo with this form. Please label the photo carefully with the animals full name on the back of the photo. Please do not staple the photo to the form.
I certify the above information is true and correct. I desire to have this information submitted into the records of the International Miniature Zebu Association. In consideration of which, I agree to abide and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, and Rules and Regulations of the Association and amendments, thereto.
Please mail the completed form and payment to:
International Miniature Zebu Association
3604 Birdsong Lane
Janesville, WI 53548