Morganwood Staff and Volunteer Application Form

Step 1 of 3: Submit
Please complete a separate form for each applicant

Applicant Information

Medical Information

Please bring or send a copy of your insurance card with the camper on the day of check in or attach at the end of this application.

Emergency Contact Information

High School Students will be asked to leave keys and medications at the first aid office. All student counselors are expected to sign out at the first aid office before leaving campus. Any driving staff are expected to make the director aware before they leave campus and to keep their medications locked in their vehicle or first-aid office. Failure to do this could result in dismissal at the director's discretion.

Who Else Can Pick The Applicant Up From Camp?

For Student Counselors: Names of people other than the Parent/Guardian listed on the Emergency Contact, Pastor, or youth pastor listed above who are authorized to pick up the child from camp. Please list at least one person. If more than three, please include in notes to staff.

Are There any Children or Siblings Attending the SAME WEEK of Camp?

For Parent Staff:
My application stands as my consent.
If the camp director and administration allows my children to stay with me during my time as a volunteer, I understand that I will be responsible for my child’s general welfare and understand the camp staff’s primary responsibilities are with welfare of the campers.
I understand, though my child is not a camper, he or she will be expected to follow the same general rules the campers are expected to follow. Following orientation, I understand and am competent to follow and enforce health, safety, welfare programs and other camp policies contained in the camp operation manual. Therefore, I will ensure that my child understands the basic emergency procedures, especially those concerning weather and fire, or will personally ensure their safety in such situations.
I will ensure that my child respects attending campers and displays honor to the other staff members attempting to perform their assigned duties. I will do my best to keep my child from being a distraction to the ministry of the camp.
I give permission to use photographs of my child in camp promotions and publicity.

For Student Applicants:
The camp is not holding student applicants responsible for their siblings. However, it is good information to have in our records in case a health question or similar item comes up.

Camp Rules Acknowledgment

I have read the camp rules at [].
I verify the information on this application and grant the Administrator of Morganwood Camp & Conference Center Inc. permission to perform a routine background check. I understand that the camp may deny volunteer service of any person found of illegal or suspicious behavior upon verification of this information. Should I be accepted to serve in the Camp program and activities, I agree to be bound by the policies of Morganwood Camp and to refrain from unbiblical conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of the camp. As I volunteer with this Christian youth camp, I am willing to cooperate in the planned activities of the camp. I will be respectful to other staff. Additionally, I give permission to use photographs of myself in camp promotions and publicity.

Health Screening Consent

If required, I give my consent to a preliminary health assessment for me and/or my children staying on campus as required by the Mississippi State Department of Health.

Pastoral or Other Reference

Availability Info

Training Dates at Morganwood:
March 8, 2025 9am-1pm
May 10, 2025 9am-1pm

Camp Dates:
Grades 7-12 June 1-6, 2025
Grades 4-6 June 8-13, 2025
Grades 1-3 June 15-18, 2025
Pre-K June 19, 2025

Certifications and Professional Information

Please list any helpful current certifications that you think would be an asset to the camp (i.e. Lifeguard, First Aid/CPR, Medical or other Professional Certifications, etc) and attach a picture below.

Insurance Card