Membership Jan.1-Dec. 31, 2025
Step 1 of 3: Submit
For new membership, please fill out the form below
First Name
Middle Initial or Name
Last Name
Membership Level
Select an option:
U.S. Youth/Student ($20.00 USD)
U.S. Individual ($40.00 USD)
U.S. Family ($50.00 USD)
U.S. Sustaining ($150 USD)
U.S. Corporate ($500 USD)
International Individual ($55.00 USD)
International Family ($65.00 USD)
International Sustaining ($165.00 USD)
International Corporate ($515.00 USD)
Donation ($USD)
Additional Member (if Family or Sustaining Membership)
Street Address or PO Box
City, State & Zip Code (Zip +4, if known)
Contact Phone Number
Email Address
The Society publishes a Membership Directory periodically. If you do not wish to be included at all, or if you want certain fields (e.g., phone number, email address), please indicate below.
Do not put in directory
History of the V&T
History of the Comstock
History of Mines & Mining
General Nevada History
Modeling V&T or another railroad
If you are a modeler, in what scale (gauge) do you model?
How did you hear about us?
indicates required fields