YIFM Weekend Programme Registration Form 2025
Step 1 of 2: Submit
Please choose the appropriate age group
11-13 Saturday Morning
14-16 Saturday Afternoon
17-25 Sunday Afternoon
Details of Young Person
Date of Birth
Male (including transgender men)
Female (including transgender women)
Non Binary
Prefer not to say
White Irish
White Irish Traveller
Any other white background
Black or black Irish - African
Black or black Irish - Any other black background
Asian or Asian Irish - Chinese
Asian or Asian Irish - Any other Asian background
Other incl mixed background
For those over 16 only - Primary Email (for contact and workshop details) no work emails, personal emails only
For those over 16 only - Mobile Number
Parent/Guardian Details - if your young person is under 18 you must fill in the following details
Parent/Guardian Name(s)
Telephone (Mobile)
Telephone (Home)
Email Address - No work email addresses
Medical Conditions - Additional Needs - Behaviours that may challenge
Additional Needs and Behaviours that Challenge
While YIFM aim to be as inclusive as possible and work with many different young people on our programmes, we are not in a position to provide one to one or high support needs for any young person as we do not have SNA�s on staff.
If your young person requires a high level of support or one to one support, we will not be in a position to provide the environment that they need. Please consider the above before putting your young person forward for the programme.
All young people will need the ability to work and feel comfortable in a group setting, and take / follow instruction. It is a busy, noisy environment, with lots of light and sound changes throughout the day. This may prove over stimulating for some young people.
*** Please note that any information that you give us regarding medical conditions, additional needs or behaviours that may challenge is treated as strictly confidential.
We ask these questions to ensure the best experience for your young person in a group setting and key staff are made aware of the needs of your young person.
Any medical conditions (asthma, epilepsy, allergies etc)?
Any additional needs - (autism, dyspraxia etc)?
Any behaviours that challenge?
I hereby grant permission to YIFM to record my child (audio/ and visual) as part of the training and production activities of YIFM and to publicly display these recordings for the purposes of film training, production and distribution (including cinema, television, film festivals, print publicity and internet promotion.)
I have read and agree to the guidelines visual consent for my young person as outlined above
YIFM is developing the National Youth Film & Animation Network (NYFAN) for children, families and young people. I consent to being contacted by email to be informed about NYFAN programmes and services.
I have read and agree to the guidelines stated above as regards to being contacted by YIFM Network
I understand that all representations of my child will only be recorded by staff or designated tutors of YIFM or persons authorised by YIFM. Ownership of all recorded material is vested in YIFM.
In compliance with GDPR and data protection legislation, I consent to being contacted by email for upcoming programmes with YIFM.
I have read and agree to the guidelines of GDPR and Data Protection as stated above
For young people over 16 - do you agree to your phone number being used for the group whatts app
For young people under 16 - Parents / Guardians - do you give permission for your phone number to be used for your young persons group whatts app
Young Person Collection Details
Young people must be collected on time, we cannot have young people gathering outside the building.
We understand that some young people walk home by themselves when the workshop has finished,
if your young person is not going to be collected when the workshop has finished please tick that they have permission to walk home by themselves
I have read and agreed to YIFM's Collection Policy as above.
Do you give your young person permission to walk home by themselves from YIFM
I have read and agreed to YIFM's Code of Behaviour
I have read and agree to YIFM's Anti-Bullying Policy
Please Type Your Name to Agree To All The Above (parent / guardian only)
By accepting a place on the YIFM Weekend Program, you are committing to that place for the entire year and both terms must be paid for in full regardless of your young persons attendance, no refunds shall be made.
There are two options for payment, you can pay for the entire year or you can make two payments, with 1 payment due prior to the start date of each terms.
All payments must be made prior to attending first workshop for all young people.
Payment Selection
Please Select One
Saturday Part Payment
Saturday Full Payment
Sunday Part Payment
Sunday Full Payment
I have read and agreed to YIFM's Payment Policy as above.
Data Consent
We don't want you to miss out on any of YIFM programmes that might interest you. Remember, you can opt out at any time by unsubscribing to our emails.
indicates required fields