Accept credit cards and collect fees on your forms with FormSmarts built-in Stripe integration.

How Can I Add a Fee to a Form?

To add a fee or charge to a form, enter its description, amount and currency directly on the form, as shown in this three-minute video tutorial.

Try a Demo: Registration Form with Stripe Payment

This short step-by-step tutorial shows how to make a payment form with FormSmarts form builder.


To start accepting payments via Stripe on your forms1, add your Stripe API Key to FormSmarts:

  • Log in to FormSmarts' API Console
  • Select HTTP Method: POST (Create)
  • Under Endpoint URL, enter:
  • Open a new tab and visit the Developers section of your Stripe account
  • Copy your Secret Key (or create a Restricted Key)
  • Go back to FormSmarts' API Console a paste your Stripe key into the Request Data box, as illustrated below.
  • Submit
Add your Stripe API key

This will create a webhook in your Stripe account to send automated payment status notifications to FormSmarts. Please do not change or remove this webhook, payment integration won't work without it.

Checking Stripe Integration Status

To make sure your FormSmarts account is ready to integrate with Stripe, select the GET (read) HTTP Method in the API Console and submit.

Deleting Stripe Integration

If you no longer want to use the Stripe integration, select the DELETE HTTP Method in the API Console and submit. This will delete the FormSmarts webhook from your Stripe account and remove your Stripe API key from your FormSmarts account.

Setting Up a Form to Accept Payments via Stripe

To start accepting Stripe payments on a form:

  • Add one or more fees
  • Edit the form and select Integrate with Stripe in the Submit Actions tab, as shown on the screenshot below
  • Save changes
Set Up a Form to Integrate with Stripe

  1. Not available with Business Starter accounts.