Show package details
Create an Account - PayPal integration not available
- Export to Excel not available
- File upload not available
- Number of fields per form: variable
- Opt-in confirmation email/PDF receipt not available
- 1 email recipient per form
- Email routing rules not available
- E-signatures not supported
- No auto-responder
- 1 email address per account
- Standard email
- Advanced Protection not supported
- 1 user
- All forms are public
- APIs & Webhooks not available
- No payment integration
- Pre-filled forms not supported
- Form submissions cannot be edited
- A form must be submitted within 90 minutes
- Form submissions not searchable
- Booking not supported
- Mandatory attribution notice on embedded forms
- Unlimited number of forms
- No preset limit in number of form responses 2
Show package details
Upgrade - PayPal integration not available
- Limited stored form results & Excel reporting 1
- File upload not available
- Up to 60 input fields per form
- Opt-in confirmation email/PDF receipt not available
- Up to 2 email recipients per form
- Email routing rules not available
- E-signatures not supported
- No auto-responder
- Up to 12 email address per account
- Standard email
- Advanced Protection not supported
- 1 user
- All forms are public
- APIs & Webhooks not available
- No payment integration
- Pre-filled forms not supported
- Form submissions cannot be edited
- A form must be submitted within 90 minutes
- Form submissions not searchable
- Booking not supported
- No FormSmarts branding on embedded forms
- Unlimited number of forms
- No preset limit in number of form responses 2
Business Starter
Upgrade - Easily integrate your forms with PayPal
- Stored form results & Excel reporting
- Upload documents & pictures of up to 2MB each, 100MB storage for attachments
- Up to 100 input fields per form
- Opt-in confirmation email & PDF receipt
- Up to 4 email recipients per form
- Email routing rules not available
- E-signatures not supported
- No auto-responder
- Up to 25 email address per account
- Standard email
- Advanced Protection not supported
- 1 user
- All forms are public
- Integrate with your site or online services with webhooks
- PayPal integration, subscriptions & recurring payments not supported
- Pre-filled forms not supported
- Form submissions cannot be edited
- A form must be submitted within 90 minutes
- Form submissions not searchable
- Booking not supported
- No FormSmarts branding on embedded forms
- Unlimited number of forms
- No preset limit in number of form responses 2
Most Popular
Business Plus
Upgrade - Easily integrate your forms with PayPal & Stripe
- Stored form results & Excel reporting
- Upload documents & pictures of up to 4MB each, 500MB storage for attachments
- Up to 200 input fields per form
- Opt-in confirmation email & PDF receipt
- Up to 6 email recipients per form
- User selects form recipient, share workload between teammates
- Electronic Signature
- No auto-responder
- Up to 60 email address per account
- Standard email
- Advanced Protection not supported
- Up to 4 users
- All forms are public
- Integrate with your site or online services with webhooks
- PayPal integration, including subscriptions & recurring payments, Stripe integration
- Pre-filled forms not supported
- Form submissions cannot be edited
- A form must be submitted within 90 minutes
- Form submissions not searchable
- Booking not supported
- No FormSmarts branding on embedded forms
- Unlimited number of forms
- No preset limit in number of form responses 2
Business Max
Show package details
Upgrade - Easily integrate your forms with PayPal & Stripe
- Stored form results & Excel reporting
- Upload documents & pictures of up to 8MB each, 1.5GB storage for attachments
- Up to 300 input fields per form
- Opt-in confirmation email & PDF receipt
- Up to 6 email recipients per form
- User selects form recipient, share workload between teammates
- Electronic Signature
- Auto-responder
- Up to 100 email address per account
- Encrypted email (S/MIME)
- Enhance the security of your forms
- Up to 15 users
- Forms are public or private
- Integrate with your site or web apps with the API & webhooks
- PayPal integration, including subscriptions & recurring payments, Stripe integration
- Pre-populate forms
- Edit form submissions & track changes
- User can edit a form and share it for up to 60 days before submitting it
- Search form submissions
- Booking form
- No FormSmarts branding on embedded forms
- Unlimited number of forms
- No preset limit in number of form responses 2
Advanced plans are omitted for clarity. Need more? Contact FormSmarts.
- Storage is limited to 20,000 records with the Pro plan.
- Subject to fair usage policy depending on your plan.
- Prices in local currency provided for information purposes only.