If you are unable to log in to FormSmarts, please check the following:

Logging in to Your Own Account

  • If you've just created an account, you won't being able to log in until you've confirmed your email address. Click on the link in the email from FormSmarts to validate your account. If you didn't receive the confirmation email, read this page.
  • If you are asked for an Account on the log in page and usually don't need one to sign in, your are using the wrong log in screen. Click on Log in as account owner on the log in page and try again.
  • If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it below. Note that passwords are case-sensitive, so 'k;q3p29' won't work if your password is 'k;Q3P29'.
  • If you've just successfully logged in and are repeatedly sent back to the log in page, your browser doesn't accept session cookies. You will not be able to create forms with FormSmarts if you don't accept session cookies. Please update your browser settings to allow cookies.
  • In any other cases, contact us for assistance.

Logging in as an Invited User

  • If you were invited to access FormSmarts has a Guest User (a.k.a. Invited User), click Log in as invited user on the login screen then enter the Account Alias that was given to you and your email and password.
  • If you are a guest user and know your password, you can change it in the Security Settings of your account.
  • If you are a guest user and have forgotten your password, please contact the account owner so they reset it for you. You won't be able to reset your password with the form below.

Reset Your Password

Step 1 of 2: Verify account ownership

Enter your login email and the last name you provided when you created the account.