To increase the visual appeal and brand recognition of your online forms, FormSmarts allows you to display your organization's, brand's or website's logo in the upper left-hand corner of your forms.

Online Form Hosted on the Cloud with Own Branding and Logo

You may upload a logo for each of the websites you use with FormSmarts. To upload a logo, visit the Settings Tab of the form builder and choose the Websites option. An Upload Logo link will be shown for each of your verified websites. If you haven't verified your site's ownership yet, you will need to do so before being able to upload a logo.

  • logo must be in GIF format
  • image should be 140 x 38 (width x height), will be resized to 140 x 38 otherwise
  • maximum size allowed is 5kB
  • a white background is recommended

A newly uploaded logo may take a few minutes to appear on your forms.

The logo will only be visible when a form is accessed by its FormSmarts URL, not when embedded onto your website.

The logo will also appear on:

This feature is only available with FormSmarts Business accounts.