Archive for September, 2013
Introducing Form Builder v 3.0
Version 3 of the form builder introduces a number of new functions to the Forms Tab.
Rows in the Forms Tab are now selectable. Simply click on a row to select the corresponding form. That form will become your working form; the form which input fields are listed in the Fields Tab. Other actions like viewing a form, editing it, enabling a previously disabled form and grabbing the form’s HTML code snippet or URL will also make that form your working form. Your working form is saved across form builder sessions provided you use the same browser.
A new Duplicate button in the equally new toolbar now allows you to create a copy of the working form, thereby deprecating the Form Cloning Tool.
We’ve added a “+” button that takes the user straight to the New Form section. This will be most useful to customers with a large number of forms. To avoid cluttering the user interface, the “+” button only shows up when the New Form section is not entirely visible and would require the user to scroll down.
Finally we’ve streamlined the navigation between the Forms and Fields tabs, providing direct access to the fields of any form by double-clicking on the relevant row in the Forms Tab.
The most obvious change to the Fields Tab is a new toolbar above the list of input fields. Besides the new “+” button, allowing you to scroll down to the new field section, the toolbar allows you to directly access form-level functions in the Fields Tab: you can now view the form you’re working on, edit it, and get its URL or HTML code while in the process of adding fields, without needing to go back and forth between the Fields and Forms tabs.
Please let us know the changes you like and (more importantly) those you don’t like, and feel free to suggest any ideas that would further improve the form builder.
Posted on Sep 25th, 2013 in form builder.
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