Archive for January, 2025

PayPal & Stripe Fees Now in Excel Reports

Many FormSmarts members leverage our integration with PayPal and Stripe to charge fees on their online forms. Most members also export registrations, memberships, and other data from their forms to an Excel spreadsheet.

FormSmarts has traditionally provided details about payments including the amount paid and payment ID in reports.

In response to user needs, we now include the fees charged by the payment processor (PayPal or Stripe) in these Excel reports. This information is displayed in a new column titled “Payment Fee“. This update will allow customers to calculate the total net amount collected by applying a simple formula within Excel.

PayPal and Stripe Payment Fee in Excel Report

If you prefer not to have the payment fee details included in Excel reports, you can easily remove this information by accessing the Settings of the Report Generator and unchecking the Payment Fee field.

About the Form Builder Blog

The Online Form Builder Blog is published by FormSmarts, a web form service providing all you need to create a form and publish it online in minutes. FormSmarts makes it easy to build a form and embed it on your site. You can then get form submissions by email or store them on FormSmarts and download an Excel report. Learn more about the many other benefits of FormSmarts.